About the Founders

Who are the Ascended Masters?
The ascended masters are the mystics, saints and sages of East and West, great avatars and servants of light who graduated from earth’s schoolroom and attained union with God. They tarry here that we might also achieve higher consciousness and total soul liberation. To learn more about the ascended masters, you may enjoy the book The Masters and Their Retreats.

The Summit Lighthouse
The Summit Lighthouse headquarters, Montana, USATo help bring about this transformative shift for mankind, the ascended masters sponsor The Summit Lighthouse as a beacon of culture, illumination, wisdom and love for the advancement of the soul. It is dedicated to supporting your spiritual journey as you balance karma, fulfill your divine plan, unite with your twin flame and become one with your Higher Self.

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Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare ProphetThe Prophets advanced techniques in practical spirituality, including the creative power of sound for personal growth and world transformation. Under the direction of El Morya, Mark Prophet founded The Summit Lighthouse in 1958 and began to publish the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

Mark and Elizabeth made a pilgrimage to India with 50 devotees in 1970, visiting Darjeeling, Kashmir and many religious and historical centers. They met with the Dalai Lama, Indira Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and holy men and people from all walks of life. In 1980, at the request of the ascended master Chananda, Elizabeth returned with devotees to India, visiting Amritsar, Benares and Sarnath. The Maha Chohan spoke to them in New Delhi, saying:

"In memory and in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I implant my flame and I plant my feet upon this soil. It is good, so good to touch the earth where Gautama and Jesus have walked. May you follow in their footsteps. May others follow in your footsteps until the mighty chain of light and life everlasting fulfills the cosmic spiral.

I AM the Maha Chohan and I AM visiting the lightbearers of the earth. I represent the Great White Brotherhood, and I announce to all the world that the Great White Brotherhood is come again to fulfill that fiery destiny."

Mark passed on in 1973 and his wife Elizabeth in 2009. Their extensive unpublished lectures and writings continue to be released by Summit University Press in many languages and multiple formats.

Seminars and workshops are conducted throughout the United States and around the world on topics such as karma and reincarnation, prophecy, soul mates and twin flames, mysticism and angels.

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